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We discussed how in-vehicle networks work over CAN. Now we’ll look into the protocol and how it’s used in the automotive industry. The Bus On the hardware side, there’s two types of CAN: differential (or high-speed) and single wire. Differential uses two wires and can operate up to 1 Mbps.

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Single wire runs on a single wire, and at lower speeds, but is cheaper to implement. Differential is used in more critical applications, such as engine control, and single wire is used for less important things, such as HVAC and window control. Many controllers can connect to the same bus in a multi-master configuration. All messages are broadcast to every controller on the bus. An oversimplified in-vehicle network The structure of a CAN message From a software perspective CAN message consists of 3 parts: an identifier, a data length code, and up to eight bytes of data.

The identifier (ID) is used to specify what the message means, and who’s sending it. Typically standard IDs are 11 bits, but there are also 29 bit extended type IDs. The ID also defines the priority: the lower the ID, the higher the message’s priority. The data length code (DLC) is 4 bits, and specifies how many bytes of data will be in the message. In some applications, a DLC of 8 is always used, and unused data bytes are padded with zeros. Finally, the 8 bytes of data contain the actual information. The meaning of the information is inferred from the message ID, and the length is specified by the DLC.

Decoding & Databases To make sense of the 8 data bytes, the controller will decode the data into signal such as engine RPM, fuel level, or brake pedal position. Each signal has a start bit and end bit, which are used to select the correct bits out of the 8 bytes. No signal information is transmitted over the bus.

Instead all controllers must agree on the layout of messages and signals beforehand. Below is the table of signals, and the graphical layout of a sample message. A table of CAN signals that make up a message A sample CAN message layout To help program controllers that agree on messages and signals, a CAN database is used. This database contains definitions of all messages and signals. The most popular format is DBC, which is a proprietary (but ASCII based) format by Vector.

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The DBC editing tool, is free (as in beer). The databases are used to auto-generate code that can interpret the messages. With a database file in hand, you can easily sniff the CAN bus and interpret all kinds of data. One example is a hack we featured that. You can also pretend to be controllers by sending spoofed data onto the bus. For example, you could send a fake engine RPM to the instrument cluster.

No, this car wasn’t actually doing 8000 RPM. The majority of the communications during normal operation work by decoding a database. However, for diagnostic applications, there are special protocols that are used. Next time, we’ll look at how these protocols work, and what fun can be had with them. CAN Hacking.

Posted in, Tagged, Post navigation. There is no “legal chance” to get the DBC files from a car manufactor and the manufactores does not exchange DBCs between each other. There is no standard, because you can make conclusions about the build in sensors or other hardware. It is also not allowed to drive cars with direct CAN access from outside the cars closed system on public streeds, but what you do on private ground depends on you. Only cars with special licenses can drive in public. But If you have CAN access, it is very easy to verify the CAN messages, by switching, pushing or whatever. You can push a button and look on the messages, what values changes.

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For example, the linux kernel have the VW/Audi SocketCan in it, til version 3.6.0. With the SocketCAN utils on:: you have open source cansniffer, candump and canplayer utilities. It is very easy to analyse CAN messages. The Arduino is not fast enough for all CAN buses, I struggled with the 16Mhz AT90CAN til i rewrote a lot of the atmel CAN routines. I found when i was logging i’d loose a lot of messages and not be able to reply fast enough. But saying that i am one of the “like integrating aftermarket ECU’s into OEM applications” guys, now it keeps up with all my ‘pro’ tools.

There are a lot of decent ARM’s with CAN the STM32s spring to mind. But logging is still logging, IMHO its better to go that little bit above to be sure you’re logging all the data, and replying fast enough. But if you’re only sending out CAN messages or reading OBD II PID’s the arduinoish ones are fine, so use those for the final devices. Suppliers won’t give you there dbc files or CANdB Files. But it is common to just listen for some changes on the bus. Since every can node has a own Id you can just connect to the bus (most common is Baudrate 500k (then 250k and 125k)) so grab the steering wheel e.g. With a small tool like PCAN VIEW, Vehicle Spy you can see the data changes.

If there is a field which might have the data you want to see inside, try some filters like datasize 32bit or 8 bit and use different formats try two’s complement and tada we got the value of a Hyundai sedan in less then 5minutes. That is what companys do for testing parts of vehicles. Also note, data size is not fixed to 8Byte, that was years ago, look into the framed messages and there is also CAN-FD. For diagnostics things get more difficult since the ECUs wait for commands to send there data and there is a exhaustive use of protocols, like XCP, CCP.

Most car manufacturers use the ASAM ODX standard for databases and there are multiple implementations of itvector being one of the implementors. These databases contain everything from communication parameters to ecu variant identification templates to compute-methods for data sent on the bus. Most of the generic auto-shops out there use simple software provided by ECU manufacturers(eg. Bosch, siemens) and grant access to simple DTC info and error memory info.

Flash sessions or variant coding for instance require elevating the diagnostic session through a key and also much deeper manufacturer-specific knowledge. There are multiple things that happen over the automotive networks. There is the normal communication between ECUs (how fast am I going? Are the doors open? What is the steering wheel angle?). The standard format for documenting the format of these messages is a DBC.

ODX or CDD (Vector CANdela) describe the diagnostic databases, i.e. What you can query using an external tool.

These would be extremely helpful if they were released because they contain all of the diagnostic services (not just the legislated ones), and define all of the DTCs. The note i’d add to this is to take away the focus on 8 bytes, that’s just what the underlying CAN protocol is using From a diagnostic/reprogramming software point of view, ie where we’re looking at it from, the actual message from the cars systems can be considerably longer, usually it is ISO 15765-2/ISO-TP the message is broken up into 8 byte packets, carrying 7 bytes of information, then typically reassembled inside the j2534 software and presented to the host software.

Look up CAN multi-frame message on wikipedia for details. Nearly all reflash tools use multiframe messaging for instance, but if its via J2534 then it takes care of it, you can send long messages into J2534 and it’ll just split it up into multiple CAN frames, and reverses the procedure for incoming.

This is a subject very near and dear to our hearts here at @CarKnowLLC. We create CAN/GSM bridges (we call them “CARduinos”), but even with access to CAN — you really need an understanding of what exactly is on the network to accomplish anything.

On our company website (I don’t want to linkspam, so Google us), we have a link to a Wiki we’ve created in the hopes of building a user community for sharing reverse engineered CAN parameters. While it’s rather sparse now, we have more data that we’ve collected internally and hope to publish soon.

We hope you join us in doing the same, so that we can all access the information transmitted within the vehicles we own and operate. There’s a lot of great potential here, and who knows — if we get enough user interest, we might be able to sway an OEM or two to the dark side. Happy to opine, discuss, etc. If anyone has questions our company can help with. The hardware should be available for preorder shortly, either directly on our site or as part of a crowdfunding campaign.

I’ve been playing around with my 1 series BMW for a while now (I wanted to use the steering wheel buttons to control my carpc), and there’s a couple of things I learned. Easiest way to find the messages you want: record everything while on a drive to get a rather detailed list. Then record everything again while in this case pressing buttons. Then make use of the fugly mess of data you produced. Lists with IDs for specific cars may or may not be available. The hardware i used for this is a custom design atmega32u4 / mcp2515 / mcp2551 board that runs in listen only mode and blasts all the data to the pc via a virtual com port. Speed might be an issue, but the kcan on this car runs at a mere 100kbit.

On the 2010 Ford Fusion SE model, it has a narrow LED display for radio and time display. I wanted to try and use my arduino and program my own display data there. Would a device like this Sanyo Automedia product, 9E5T-19C116-AEbe communicated with via CAN protocol (does the LED itself interpret CAN signal?), and could I wire directly to it from my arduino UNO and with software/libraries be able to display text on screen? Or at this level does talking to the LED display have nothing to do with CAN and would be more like talking to the display driver, like an LCD Hitachi HD44780 driver? That is the reason why CAN Protocol was currently switching to Ethernet protocol. Now it is 2015, the Autosar architecture is implemented, built and burned as a program binary on chip as every client specify what modules from it want, to allow a boot loader to start this program in ECU’s without using CAN communication module activated, instead using Ethernet packets what are encrypted using SHA-128 cypher.

Hard wire debugging will be harder, and harder like you try to intercept a raw decrypted GSM traffic using a 0.1 – 1 Mhz range antenna. Another implemented stage is signal norming which is a module what redirect a direct ECU - SensorN to a more complex route to make this game more fun. Have fun to play with cars above 2015.

There’s nothing really special about them, as long as it can sniff can, handling timing and stuff they’re all pretty much the same, unless you rely on their software. I see people spend a fortune on whats often a can transceiver + mcu. Same for lauterbach, i have their trace32/+ BDM/jtag debuggers and simulators, they’re gathering dust since the software is subpar. Better off saving the money and using a cheaper jtag (even pe micro) and spending the money on more tools or software dev. Sure if you’re doing flash emulation they’re good upto a point.

Rolling your own tools, and spend money on idapro/winols etc. Cars have already been encrypted with RSA 512/1024 and never matters, i hear people decry all the time how hard its gonna get, cept they never factor in the human factor, people leak the keys, get bribed, take the software to their new gig and then it gets out, or just give it away. Social engineering will always plug the gaps RE can’t. Spend 5 minutes on any of the tuning boards and you’ll find docs/software and source for pretty much every ecu out there. Remember professional just means you paid for it.

Like on a fiat?, realise that oem’s can change keys/seed algorithms for the same ECU type on different cars. So the less information you give, the less helpful results you’ll get. If its a fiat, grab the fiat reprogramming software, reverse it, find the checksum routine and that is all you need to do, supply that to the kwp2000 challenge/response. Currently I’ve been trying to reprogram my instrument cluster for information display changes.My current project is on a Toyota Corolla 2014.

Current information display have the following options available to the user: Average Fuel Consumption Cruising Range until empty Trip Elapsed Time Average Speed Realtime Fuel Consuption Setting (for brightness etc) The display cluster is controlled by a single button for switching displays. My project consists of changing ( or possibly ) adding a menu. For the displays that is subject to change, I want to replace the Average Speed display to Current Speed. Also, if possible, I want to add a menu for displaying Engine Load and Voltage Meter. How can I reprogram the display on the LCD instrument cluster? Can i do it via OBD2?

Also, what tools do i need? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Having figured out some data on a GM 2011 Terrain steering angle sensor for another project, I’d like to make it available and figure these comments might be a good place for people to find it. I’d appreciate suggestions for any better place to put such data. GM Steering angle sensor PN 25849366.


Pins 1&2 CAN-, Pins 3&4 CAN+, Pin5 12V, Pin6 GND. XXh indicates hex values.

CAN, 500k, ID 0x180 packet every 10ms. Byte 0, some sort of status: Junkyard sensor showing 4Eh, new part boots at 4Ah then 0Eh. Bytes 1&2 are hb/lb of a signed 16bit angle. About 16 counts per degree. Measures +- 5 turns, power-cycle-stable values.

Byte3 (bits 31 to 24) 31=on, 29&30 are a 2 bit cycle counter, 28 off. 24-27 high nibble of 12 bit signed turning rate combined with Byte 4 as the low byte. Bytes 5&6 similar to 1&2 but with reversed polarity, seemingly measured separately, slight variations. Byte 7 is always 00h. My hope is that this may help someone looking for data as I was. In this project I’m looking for a sensor to replace a Tesla steering angle sensor with a much smaller one that can be hidden in a classic car conversion.

Translation will be required. I may not use this one, but it was fun to analyze anyway. Well the biggest customers are generally OBD II scan tools etc, which are all mostly out of china these days. For smaller scale stuff, you’ll find them at trade shows like sema, then lower than that then its spread over the various car hacking forums. There is a lot of people in the security side who look for info, but they’re generally only interested in stuff that helps gain access than finding out your long term fuel trim.

They already have a lot of that data anyway, and they’re not paying much for it, the us bound ones are buying from existing agencies that have long term relationships with the automakers. But that is the question isn’t it, how small enough do you have to be before they’ll take notice, these days it seems like more how well known/social media you get, versus amount you actually sell. The smart ones stay quiet and go under the radar and choose not to poke the bear. If you start selling it enough where the taxman is interested, that is probably the tipping point.

Socially its just when you stand out a bit more than everyone else and can be made an example of, those are the unluckiest ones. Reading comments with great interest and trying to comprehend the interactions on the can bus. The reason is actually not automotive, but to use a component outside the automotive environment. Specifically, there have been several articles over the years that demonstrate how to use an epas steering system on older cars when restored. Some systems IE: the Saturn Vue, is used with an aftermarket kit that somehow simulates bus traffic to the steering ecu.

Some of these systems have been converted to be used on small tractors and work well in that mode. There is one person who has named several systems from several Japanese and Korean cars that will run in what he calls a “fail-safe” mode without any connection but the column motor to the ecu and no can bus. He states that he has not found a GM unit that would work out of the vehicle. I would think if one could emulate the required messages (if you can figure out what they are) to activate and allow the system to run. This is where my interest lies. I have an older Gm unit from a Cobalt I’m trying to figure out to use on my tractor to make the steering easier when the front loader is full. Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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CANtrace 3.14 Product code: CANtrace 3.14 A Powerful CAN BUS analyzer software CANtrace is an easy-to-use CAN network analyzer, that lets you trace, decode and plot CAN messages and signals in real-time, or log everything for post processing in the comfort of your office. It works with your current Kvaser, Vector or Peak hardware and it supports both CANopen and J1939 protocols. Bundle Offer! Buy now CANtrace software and Kvaser Leaf Light HS v2 bundle for 699,00 euro(Excl. VAT) Watch below video to learn how to use J1939 protocol and DBC database file in CANtrace (Watch on YouTube to get best quality) View and Decode Any CAN Message Data is transmitted on the CAN bus in 0-8 byte long messages, including a CAN ID and data length (DLC).

And the message timestamp from your CAN interface, and that's about all you get from a free CAN tool. RAW CAN Data But what does it mean? Is it data, configuration or an alarm? Most free CAN tools will display the raw data, but you have to decode every message manually, flipping through thick protocol manuals to find out what 0x40 really mean. CANtrace Does the Decoding With CANtrace you don't have to decode the CAN data manually.

The included CANopen and J1939 protocol parser will decode protocol headers, while the connected databases (DBC) will decode signal values. CAN Data Decoded by CANtrace Use Your Existing CAN Interface With CANtrace you don't have to invest in expensive CAN hardware to get started. If you are like most CANtrace customers, your engineers already use at least one CAN interface, and with CANtrace it's possible to tie your CANtrace license to your existing hardware. If you own a CAN interface from any of the following manufacturers, it will work with CANtrace. For Kvaser and Vector hardware, the license is tied to the hardware. For Peak hardware, the license is tied to the PC.

CANtrace can be shared by several people as long as you use the same Vector or Kvaser CAN hardware. Kvaser (all models). Vector Informatik GmbH (all models). Peak System (all models) Human Readable Data (DBC Databases) Many CAN messages contain several different data values, or signals, and it is a pain to manually decode the binary data. But it doesn't have to be that way! In CANtrace signals are decoded and displayed in human readable form.

The real-world data from your CAN network can be monitored, logged and plotted using familiar engineering units. You will see the RPM and temperature in the same format you are used to. Signals are decoded using your existing CAN database, in the commonly used DBC format. You can connect a separate database to every CAN interface (channel) and there is even a handy database editor included in CANtrace. Plot Your Data in The XY Graph.

CANtrace contains a powerful graphical presentation of data where you can plot multiple signals in a xy graph. The graph supports multiple J1939 signals as well as signals from manufacturer specific DBC databases. The graph supports multiple data-cursor styles for each signal for you to take the measurements. X-Y, Y, Period, Peak-Peak and Frequency. The signals can be scaled and moved using simple mouse commands. They can be scaled individually or as a group, and signals are color coded for clarity of display.

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The xy graphs can be printed to your standard windows printer with the click of a button. The graph can be saved to a file when you need to include it in a report or on your website. You can produce graphs from data you logged with any CAN logger, as long as it supports the popular Vector asc log format. Logging and playback log file CANtrace supports Vector ASCII format CAN log files. Ideal for Field Work When you find that you need to take your CAN toolbox with you and go on a fault-finding mission outside your office or R&D department you will appreciate that CANtrace was designed from the ground up to be easy to use, and to display well, on a small laptop or handheld display as well as on your standard desktop monitor.

Install CANtrace on your rugged tablet PC and you will have a CAN logger you can leave for hours or days in the engine compartment of the equipment you are diagnosing. Download 20-days trial of the full version of CANtrace Try a full, unrestricted version of CANtrace now to get free email support with your 20-days evaluation. Paid full license contains one year of free support and upgrades.

Get the trial license by sending CAN hardware name and serial number to: Read the instruction or watch below short videos to learn. Download CANtrace from Drivers for supported CAN hardware. Product specifications CAN Features. Fully supports CAN 2.0A, CAN 2.0B and ISO 11898-1. Standard 11bit and Extended 29 bit identifiers.

1Mbit - 800kbit - 500kbit - 250kbit - 125kbit - 100kbit - 50kbit - 20kbit - 10kbit - 5kbit. Up to 9 simultaneous CAN channels supported CAN Higher Layer Protocol Support​.

Native J1939 and CANopen support included. J1939 transport layer long frame support. CANopen node scanner and NMT master commands. Database support, in standard DBC format, to decode proprietary protocols. Multiple databases in DBC format (separate database per channel) Other Features. Trace, Data, Plot, Send and Statitics tab. Log all CAN messages to Vector ASC compatible log file.

Connect up to 9 CAN interfaces from different vendors. Supports Kvaser, Vector and Peak interfaces. Easy to use CAN diagnostic tool. Plot data in xy graph and print or make images for reports. Bus statistics (busload, peak load, frames etc). Replay log files to trace and graph windows.