Boeing 777 Pss S
Nov 20, 2013 Hi everyone. As you are probably all aware, I uploaded the POSKY/SkySpirit-PSS Boeing 777-200ER merge a while back now, and it was very successful.
Wed Dec 28, 2011 7:47 am Hi Sean, POSKY 777s don't have their own panels. They have to use the default 777 panel or an add-on panel from some other source. Usually, when you download a complete aircraft, it will be already set up to use the default 777 panel in FS9.
If you download a texture only and add it to an existing aircraft, the entry for the Aircraft.cfg file that comes with the texture can easily be incorrect for your particular setup. It's best to copy the entry for another texture that works and then change the entries for the airline, particular variation, atc airline, etc. POSKY 777s do not come with FMCs (which are part of a panel). Someone did do glass gauges for the VC, but you might want to start out by using the VC gauges from the default 777. That's easier to do just by using the default 777 panel (FS9).
Installation is a little tricky because POSKY uses the panel.cfg file, including some VC entries, to control special effects in the plane's appearance. There are different model 777s for POSKY. Some have VCs and some don't.
So the VC problem may be that some of your installed POSKY 777s don't have VC models. However there are VC models for all 777 variants so this problem can be fixed. However if your 2D panel is also not working for a particular aircraft, that probably means you don't have any panel installed for that aircraft at all. The best place to look for detailed help is on the website.
Although the original POSKY developers are mostly gone from this site and it is not taking new posts, they still keep the older forum posts, and they still have copies of all the models, FDEs (Aircraft.cfg+.air file pairs), VC glass cockpit gauges and other useful files. By searching the forum there, downloading the panel packages and reading the accompanying instructions, you should be able to find detailed help in installing and setting up POSKY 777s and many of their other planes. Start by downloading the 'Virtual Cockpit Panel SP2A' from Downloads Boeing Boeing 777 - Version 2 777-200 Panel Packages Virtual Cockpit Panel SP2A at the website. Back up the existing panel folder inside your posky 777 aircraft folder, and then paste the panel folder from the SP2A zip into the aircraft folder. If that doesn't help, you will need to browse/search in the POSKY forum at their web site.
Hope this helps, and happy new year! William Wright.
Wed Dec 28, 2011 4:35 pm Hi Sean, Glad I could be of some help. There are merges around on AVSIM for POSKY 777s and PSS (Phoenix Simulation)'s 777 panel. PSS is pretty good.
It has a fully working FMC, although the FMC is somewhat limited as it doesn't do real IAPs and has some other issues for airports with large numbers of SIDs and STARs. PSS only works in FS9. Unless you do a merge, you will only have -200LR and 300ER versions. It is still available on (there may be other 777s available there so make sure you get the former PSS one). There is an ongoing unofficial set of PSS support forums at PSS is defunct, but people from PSS have just reappeared under the name but it is not clear when or whether they will introduce an improved or new version of the 777. Another one to consider is Level-D 767-300 for both FS 9 and FS X.
It has a much better FMC, full working VC, winglet and non-winglet models, and excellent documentation. But it does not have a full glass cockpit (I think this is realistic for the -300), and it is not a 777! PMDG has said it plans to do a 777 for FS X.
Boeing 777 Passenger Jet Seating
Given their reputation I will certainly buy it when it comes out, even if it means I have to learn FS X much better than I know it now, and learn to use it with FSINN! Thu Dec 29, 2011 4:23 pm Hi Sean, I forgot to say that PSS 777panels, and the panels for their other aircraft, most likely won't work in FS X anyway. I usually fly PSS panel/POSKY 777 merge aircraft.
I use the POSKY FDE slightly modified to work with the PSS panel. Also the Level-D 767 (available for FS X, unlike PSS). I haven't flown without an FMC, but from what I have read on various Vatsim forums, many people do. If you don't have one just say in your flightplan remarks that you need vectoring and are unable to fly SID/STAR.
Or tell the controller when you first make contact. DON'T file a flightplan with a SID or STAR. However this might cause problems during an event like Cross the Pond when the controllers are very busy. Of course if no ATC is on at your departure or arrival airport you need to do your own vectoring.
It is possible to generate a SID or STAR from the appropriate chart by using a flightplan-generating program. You would enter the waypoints and have it generate an FS flightplan. Then load the flightplan into your GPS. FSNavigator will do this for FS9, but it is no longer available from its publisher. There are many flightplan utilities, and if you search Vatsim's forums you will find a great deal on this topic.
Also there is a freeware FMC called VasFMC but it takes a bit of setting up. The waypoint database in FS9 is way out of date and this is probably true for FS X as well, so you wouldn't want to try setting up a SID or STAR directly using the FS9 or X GPS and waypoints. The waypoints won't be there. William Wright. Thu Jan 26, 2012 8:08 pm Hi, Sean, It would help if you could explain what panel you are currently using, so I can be of more help.
Just to be clear, the POSKY VC glass gauges xml zip file will simply give you nicer looking VC gauges. It will also give you some additional, nicer looking popup windows in the 2D panel. It won't give you an FMC. To install the POSKY VC glass gauges, you need to make changes to the panel.cfg file to make the new gauges show up. It's not enough to just place the 'posky777glassgauge' folder in your FS9 (or FSX)gauges folder. If you are currently using the panel.cfg file that came with the POSKY panel, you can just overwrite the existing panel.cfg file with the one included in the POSKY xml gauge zip package. However if you have installed an FMC or any other additional gauges at all (which involves changes to your panel.cfg file), you can't do that or you will lose all your other changes.
If you explain what your current panel setup is I might be able to give more help. If you want to, you can PM me a copy of your panel.cfg file. Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:17 pm I GOT IT TO WORK only on the United 777 from avsim though, and the 2D panel doesn`t work, needs more work. On the other hand my ISG FMC is doing a great job, my posky a330 is ACTUALLY flyable in vatsim. It means less money has been spent my me for all them fancy add ons (not to say but I still prefer them by a nautical mile) My problem with payware now is Im using only PMDG products and all the other ones just seem to bad and low quality, Im a PMDGholic and suffer from addiction. Wed Feb 01, 2012 6:24 pm Hi, Sean, Glad you got the VC working!
What 2-D panel are you trying to use? Just wanted to mention that, once you get a panel working with one POSKY 777, you can alias as many POSKY 777s as you want to it. You don't have to make a separate copy of the panel or gauge folders for each aircraft.
Also, what A330 panel are you using with your POSKY A330? The A3XX panels are supposed to have certain fly-by-wire features. For example, the throttle is not supposed to move up and down with engine thrust, but only have three fixed positions, idle, climb, flex and TOGA, plus reverse, if I remember correctly. I'm wondering if you have found a panel that does that, or if the ISG FMC can be set for Airbus-type aircraft to do that. Does the ISG FMC come with its own gauges or autopilot? Is the ISG FMC as complex as the PMDG FMCs? For years I flew with freeware panels, but they just don't measure up to good quality payware.
Boeing 777 Passenger Limit
Mostly I use the PSS-Just Flight 777 panel with POSKY 777s. I also like the Level-D 767. It is more complex than the PSS and has a much better FMC.
The PSS FMC has some serious limitations, such as an inability to display all the SIDS or STARS from airports with large numbers of them, and no provision for separate final approach/go around procedures (IAPs). I have two PMDG aircraft but I'm not to the point where I can fly them comfortably on-line. Wed Feb 01, 2012 11:18 pm William Wright 1171896 wrote: I haven't flown without an FMC, but from what I have read on various Vatsim forums, many people do.
If you don't have one just say in your flightplan remarks that you need vectoring and are unable to fly SID/STAR. Or tell the controller when you first make contact. DON'T file a flightplan with a SID or STAR. However this might cause problems during an event like Cross the Pond when the controllers are very busy.
Of course if no ATC is on at your departure or arrival airport you need to do your own vectoring. William Wright You can fly a SID/STAR without any sort of computer as long as it isn't RNAV. You just need to look at the chart and follow the directions given on the chart.