Apdu Commands Create File

Ant target In the command, target represents the run option (such as all or run1-1) specified in the procedures for running the sample. Each sample might use one or more targets to run specific APDU scripts or multiple parts of the sample applet. The required targets are described in the procedures used to run an individual sample. With the exception of the Transit, RMIPurse, and SecureRMIPurse samples, a custom name can be specified for the output file generated by the ant command. Use the following command syntax to specify a custom name for the output file: ant - Dredirect.output= outputfilename target In this command, outputfilename represents the name of the output file.

  1. Apdu Commands For Smart Card

Use the scriptgen tool to convert the CAP file into an (installation) APDU script file. Then use the apdutool to send the script file (installation APDU commands and CAP file) to the C-JCRE, or a JCRE on the Java Card device. The JCRE stores the CAP file in the card's memory. The following figure summarizes these steps. Batch for beginners How to create and run a batch file on Windows 10 You can stop wasting your time typing commands manually and use a batch file instead — here's how on Windows 10.

Apdu Commands For Smart Card

This command redirects the output from the APDUtool execution to the outputfilename file. Perform any additional actions required by the individual sample's run procedure.