Upanishad Chanting Mp3
The Upanishads are the foundational texts of Vedanta. The Mundaka Upanishad is one of the most important Upanishads. It reveals to us the exact nature of spiritual knowledge and speaks of the spiritual glory hidden within each of us, and how to realize it in our lives. Below is a series of 12 classes delivered by Swami Prabhavananda in the mid-fifties on the Mundaka Upanishad. To download the file(s), right click on the link and choose 'Save Link As.'
Upanishad Chanting Mp3s
Or 'Save Target As.' Or, you can double-click on the link to listen to the talk. Class 1 - Class 2 - Class 3 - Class 4 - Class 5 - Class 6 - Class 7 - Class 8 - Class 9 - Class 10 - Class 11 - Class 12.
- Audios of Swami Krishnananda chanting. Swami Krishnananda was a master of Sanskrit and of the Vedas. Two pundits chanted portions of the Shukla Yajur Veda and an explanation was given by Swami Padmanabhananda, General Secretary of The Divine Life Society, who dedicated this to Swami Krishnanandaji Maharaj.
- Chanting / reading/ study of mantras and spiritual texts have been encouraged since time immemorial. It is not uncommon to find a phala-shruti at the end of a chant – which states the benefits that arise from the chanting of that particular mantra.
Follow along in Sanskrit as Vedic Pundits chant the Vedic Literature.
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