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: Number 11.: Distribution of Red China narcotics in the United States: two million three hundred thousand dollars, collected by Number 9 and myself.: Two million three? Our expectations were considerably. Higher, Number 11.: Competition from Latin America. Prices are down.: I anticipated that factor.

Are you quite sure all monies have been accounted for by yourself and Number 9?: To the penny, Number 1.: On the contrary, I have satisfied myself that one of you is clearly guilty of embezzlement. SPECTRE's a dedicated fraternity whose strength lies in the absolute integrity of its members.

The culprit is known to me. I have decided on the appropriate action.

SPECTRE Number 9 is electrocuted in his seat. : after a lovemaking session You made a shocking mess out of my hair, you sadistic brute. Will you zip me up, please?: Mm! No wonder you can get dressed so quickly. On the way we can have a little talk. You may find it interesting.

Come on.: I'm coming. I hate to think I'm going to miss anything. Bond opens the door, Largo's henchmen are there, Bond quickly closes the door: And now.we.

can go somewhere for an interesting talk.: Friends of yours, no doubt. opens the door: Come in!: You dress quickly, too. I didn't see that gun in the mirror.: Not that it matters, but that was under the pillow all the time.: And when did you find out?: Well, you're wearing the same ring as Largo.: It's a ring I like to wear.: Vanity has its dangers.: Vanity, Mr. Something you know so.much.

about. : Let us now proceed with new business. We will hear from Number Two, who's in charge of our NATO project, the most ambitious SPECTRE has ever undertaken. Your report, Number Two.: Thank you, Number One. Our intention is to demand the ransom of the North Atlantic treaty powers, of two hundred and eighty million dollars: a hundred million pounds. I have sent SPECTRE agent Count Lippe to the south of England, where he is making the necessary preparations. He is at a health clinic, conveniently located near the NATO air base.

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: on tape recording A container will be dropped off the coast of Burma, in the Mergui Archipelago, latitude twenty degrees north, longitude sixty degrees east, at twenty hundred hours Greenwich mean time on May 27th. It will hold blue white flawless diamonds, between three and eight karats, total value to be not less than than one hundred million pounds present market price. After we have recovered the container and verified its contents you will be notified on radio frequency sixteen point two three megacycles where the atomic bombs may be recovered.

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: Not enough. Hundred thousand dollars is not enough.: What are you trying to say?: I changed my mind. Two years of my life. Studying the film, the reports. Plastic operations, voice lessons.

Make it a quarter of a million. Or get someone else.: no one else.: Exactly.I. am Derval. the ambulance attendant points a pistol at Angelo's back: Put that away.

Angelo is right. I'll inform Number One we made a new arrangement. This is merely a down payment.: Alright, but against quarter of a million.: Agreed. James Bond is about to tell Domino about her brother's death, and she thinks he is about to tell her that he is leaving: as she is taking out a cigarette; casually You're going away? Well, it's all over and done with.: No, it's about your brother.: facing him What about him? James holds out Francoise's dog-tag necklace and watch for Domino to see. Domino reacts in surprise as she recognizes her brother's jewelry: as she takes her brother's dog tag in a gingerly manner and looks at it in sorrow Francoise.

Domino then takes the watch and finally realizes what happened to her brother: with tears in her eyes; Bond looks down at the ground, feeling her pain He's. Domino wipes a tear: stalwart What happened?: It's a long story, that involves your friend.

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