Load Crackberry 101 Nuked

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  1. Load Crackberry 101 Nuked 2

Last night I downloaded the latest OS v.4.5 for my Curve 8310 from AT&T (I made sure it was the right match). After downloading and installing, it started the DM and the upgrading process. Everything went smooth until, I guess, near the end of the upgrade when the phone begin turning itself on and off continually. Finally, a screen popped up 'Unable to Complete the Loading Multi-Stage Process,' or something like that. After that the telephone only cycles on and off with the red led light flashing. By the way, I have DM v. This morning I found the article 'Blackberry 101: How to Reload the Operating System on a Nuked Blackberry' and followed the steps without success.

Engine Error-Could not load library client-My friend tells me its something with a file called 'gameinfo.txt' and steampipe screwed up a ton of mods. I really don't know how to fix this and would love if someone could help me. So I found a way to get it to work. CrackBerry Digital Offers! These AirPod alternatives are just $20 right now Apple’s famed AirPods are undeniably awesome. They’re also undeniably expensive, and purchasing a new pair can oftentimes feel like you’re putting a down payment on a small (but very real) new car.


The uploader only finishes the first two steps out of the four before quitting. The first step says 'Load JVM and System Software' where it erases the applications and loads the system software. During this first step, the screen of the Curve is black. Then the loader starts the second step 'Wait for Device Initialization' where is reconnecting to JVM, but after a while the phone and its screen begin the on and off sequence with the hourglass in the middle.

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After a few more minutes a screen in the computer comes up: 'Unable to Complete the Loading Operation.' Any ideas anyone??? First of all Get rid of version 4.7 and go to 4.6. As At&t only supports up to 4.6 which is probably why it did that.

Once you get 4.6 try reviving your blackberry. First link to get the DM 4.6 once you installed 4.6 then you go to here of how to revive your blackberry. The upgrade on mines went without any problems. Even though there are DM 4.7 just go what AT&T supports. I used version 4.6 to do the upgrading process. Hope this helps. I did get rid of DM 4.7 with Add/Remove Control Panel.

I then downloaded DM 4.6 and after installation I rebooted the computer. I then followed the steps given on No success. As I wrote in my first posting, the same thing ocurred today.

The uploader finds the phone in USB unknown port and begins the first step (phone does not reboot here), then the second step begins: 'waiting for device initialization' (the red led flashes on and the rebooting sequence begins) and 'reconnecting to JVM.' Several minutes go by and then a screen says 'Unable to Complete the Loading Operation' and underneath it 'Unable to Reconnect During a Multi-Stage Load Operation.' The phone is locked up in rebooting mode.

Any other ideas? It didn't work. Does it matter how long the battery is pulled out from the phone while device tries to initialize? I did it for a few seconds, enough time for the red led to go out.

Also, when I first open DM and click 'Update Applications,' the next screen is 'Select a Device to Connect,' once I plug the phone to the USB port, it gives me two choices on 'PIN': USB-PIN: 242C8176 (phone screen is white) or USB-PIN: UNKNOWN (phone screen black). Does it matter which one I select? I have been trying UNKNOWN. By the way, before this unsuccessful upgrade, the PIN selection said COM4, but that is not coming up anymore.

I had the same thing happen to me and literally 'bricked' my 8310 on Monday. All I had was a red blinking light and a white screen with an error code. At the link below is a way to hard boot it up from your pc.

You have to have the hand held's operating system installed on the PC though in order to do it. I had some problems doing it because I have an old computer and the DOS commands didn't work. However I downloaded the DM and OS to another computer in the house and was finally able to get it from there. There is all kinds of great information at this site. Its worth checking out. Jazzi 8310 Curve DM: 4.6 OS: 4.5 something. Thanks Jazzi.

Unfortunately, I didn't even have the white screen or error message. Just a red flashing light and a black screen. I tried the fix found at the link you provided, but I had no luck with it. I was, however, able to get my phone fixed the next day by taking it to work and connecting it to my computer there. It turned out that I did not even need to use that fix.

When I connected my BB to my PC at work it found and installed the drivers right away. This was encouraging so I decided to download the latest DM and also the OS for ATT and install them on my work PC. I did this and reconnected my BB. DM found it right away and allowed me to reinstall the OS. At home I was using the Windows 7 beta. Although, initially it did find the BB and connect to the DM, I think it didn't like the driver it found. At work I have XP.


At work, after I got my phone working again I backed it up and synced it with my Yahoo account (thankfully I had all my contacts on there so I was able to recover them.). For s.ts & giggles, when I got home I tried connecting the BB to my Windows 7 computer to see if it would work. It had trouble finding the drivers this time and actually crashed the PC.

I had a memory dump, which is sometimes caused by driver conflicts. So the key things that I learned are.1.) Windows 7 and BB do not play well together (at least not the Beta) and 2.) if you run into this problem and cannot connect to your BB, no matter what, at your normal PC, try a different PC. Hopefully others can benefit from what we have found.

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Similar Questions. Please help how to make fixed it Ok thank you. I recommend that you try to start safe mode:.

How to start a smartphone BlackBerry in Mode safe It will take several attempts to get the combination of keys ESC (press/release/hold) OK, so be patient. When properly in Safe Mode, see what happens. If the behavior continues, then well.

Think what happened just before this behavior started? A new application? Something else? Think carefully that the slightest change can be causal.

And try to undo all that was. But if the behavior continues mode without failure, you may need to consider more drastic measures - WIPE, OS Reload, BBSAK Wipe/Reload and the process of reloading OS 'skeleton '.

To prepare, you should be sure that you have a full backup of your PC. Please see the Backup link in my sig auto on this post for (I realize it's perhaps questionable in your situation. If you cannot start your device, then do not take a backup now). You may also use these tips:.

How to force detect the BlackBerry smartphone using the Application Loader. How to recover a BlackBerry smartphone from any State. Good luck and let us know!. Hello Suddenly, 'BOLD' my friend stop working after he stop flight. When it is restarted, the light flashes for 30 seconds then after that the display shows only the Big battery logo and completely off (no LED activity). I tried to revive with the charger, but it is still down in the middle of the process during 'Waiting for device initialization' (it has detected the device as USB PIN: UNKNOWN). I tried out the SIM card and the media as well with card/NOJVM charger, but still failed.

Last move, I tried to wipe it using JLCommander, but it will not be detected the device. Y does it can someone help me? The BB nuked or completely due to a hardware problem? It was running OS 245 and issued TIM unlocked If the screen was simply showing a stack with the 'no battery' symbol, then reload. My other BB takes forver at startup. So I tried to reload the operating system.

I installed the 7.1 desktop software and OS of the phone. When I try to reload the OS, I followed all the instructions until the process stretches where I select the system software and applications to install.

Then 'load the JVM software szstem' full and waiting for the device to initialize (reconnecting to JVM fails. This is done without battery. When I try it with a battery, the device is not detected by the PC. Hello and welcome to the community! From your description, I can't quite tell if you follow these practices exactly:.

How to force detect the BlackBerry smartphone using the Application Loader. How to recover a BlackBerry smartphone from any State.

Keep in mind, of course, if the problem is hardware, then nothing remotely internet will be of no use. I was updating my curve using the new version of the Desktop Manager, and everything seemed to unfold. At the end of the process I got an error message and my BB screen was white with, I think, a circle, triangle and the heart. They had a line through them with a message 507. I looked at the message 507 and deleted my vendor.xml file and tried to reload everything using the apploader.

That did not work. Now, my screen is black but the light flashes red continuously two times all the seconds. When I try to use the apploader or remove applications in Office Manager appears a little box that says PIN: and the password. Section PIN allow me to type in my PIN code and it is empty. It doesn't let me do something beyond this screen and I'm stuck here.

Suggestions that you guys could give would be greatly appreciated. Thank you Hi and welcome to the forums! This happens sometimes with a Bay 'nuked'. Read this procedure, especially step 2. It will take you 20 swings to get it.

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Load Crackberry 101 Nuked 2

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